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New Customs Form for Flyers from Today 

All travellers coming to India will have to fill in a new detailed customs form on their arrival from Wednesday.It will help authorities check duty frauds and cases of under-valuation,as well as keep a record of gold jewellery and bullion being brought into the country.

Indian citizens will also have to fill up immigration forms only when they fly out.There will not be any immigration form for Indians returning from abroad,official sources said.

The new form carries additional fields for declaration of dutiable and prohibited goods and seeks details other than those sought in the detachable perforated strip,which is part of the immigration card at present,sources said.Travellers would be asked to specifically declare any prohibited articles,gold jewellery (over the free allowance),gold bullion and Indian currency exceeding Rs 7,500.

Times of India, New Delhi, 01-01-2014

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